Советы по Delphi


Как узнать ip адрес(а) машины (в текстовом виде)?

Nomadic приводит сиплюсплюсный код:

Кусок исходника от плугина к BackOrifice:

//--------------------------------------------------- void MachineIP(char *result) { WSADATA WSAData; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &WSAData); char dot[6]; int iResult; int i = 0; u_long *ppIpNO; u_long *pIpNO; HOSTENT FAR *lphostent; u_long ipHO; unsigned char binIp[4]; int iterations = 0; //Get local host name and crudely validate char szHostName[100]; *result = 0; iResult = gethostname(szHostName, sizeof(szHostName)); // printf("%d %s",iResult,szHostName); if ((iResult != 0) || (lstrcmp(szHostName, "")==0)) return; //Lok up this host info via supplied name lphostent = gethostbyname(szHostName); if (lphostent == NULL) return; //Retreive first entry (might have multiple connects) do { iterations++; ppIpNO = (u_long *)lphostent->h_addr_list; if (ppIpNO+i == NULL) return; pIpNO = ((u_long *)*(ppIpNO+i)); if (pIpNO == NULL) return; //convert back to host order, since SOCKADDR_IN expects that //MessageBox(NULL,"z","x",MB_OK); ipHO = ntohl(*pIpNO); binIp[0] = (BYTE)((ipHO & 0xff000000) >> 24); itoa(binIp[0], dot, 10); strcat(result,dot); binIp[1] = (BYTE)((ipHO & 0x00ff0000) >> 16); itoa(binIp[1], dot, 10); strcat(result, "."); strcat(result, dot); binIp[2] = (BYTE)((ipHO & 0x0000ff00) >> 8); itoa(binIp[2], dot, 10); strcat(result, "."); strcat(result, dot); binIp[3] = (BYTE)(ipHO & 0x000000ff); itoa(binIp[3], dot, 10); strcat(result,"."); strcat(result, dot); strcat(result,"\r\n"); i++; } while ((pIpNO != NULL) && (iterations < 6)); WSACleanup(); PostQuitMessage(0); return; } //***************************************************************************// [001583]

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